Saturday, May 14, 2016

Message to IAF members from Ambassador T.Suresh Babu

Dear friends below you can see the farewell note by Hon. Ambassador of India in Armenia Dr T. Suresh Babu. The cooperation between our NGO and the embassy was quite fruitful and harmonious during his tenure for which we are deeply grateful to His excellency.

 "My dear Armenian members of the IAF NGO, today I am leaving my home for over past three years, and beautiful, warm and hospitable Armenians for good. I will be moving on to Mongolia shortly on my next assignment to represent our great country there. I will certainly miss divine fruits Apricots, Grapes, Apples, Pears, Cherries grown at my house here. Not to mention about bez podobny Armyansky Cognac !

And please don't forget that you have a true friend of Armenia ! 

Shat Shat Shnorokalutyun and God bless Armenia !" 

Thursday, January 7, 2016


Following the traditions IAF members celebrated Armenian Christmas on January 6th in Delhi, Chennai and other cities in India. Below are some photos of the celebrations which was a visit to a local church and home celebrations with special Armenian dishes meant for the Christmas.